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The Classic “Attributes” of God

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The attributes of God refer to the qualities or characteristics that Christians understand God to have. These beliefs are grounded in the Bible and then Christians have reflected on them over the centuries. They provide insights into God's nature and how God relates to humanity. Here are some commonly recognized attributes of God:

One of the fundamental attributes of God is his “omnipotence,” which means that he is all-powerful. God’s power extends over all things, and nothing is beyond his control or authority. Understanding God's omnipotence helps us find comfort and trust in his ability to overcome any challenge or obstacle we may face.

A Silly Question

Some have asked the question, “Can God make a rock so big that he can’t lift it?” This is a trick question. It is like asking, “Is it possible for God to fail?” No, it isn’t. Omnipotence does not mean that God does things that are logically contradictory.

God can lift any rock! So it is not possible for God to make a rock that he does not have the power to lift. God is all-powerful. It is not possible that he could not lift any rock.

God’s omniscience refers to the fact that he knows all things. He possesses perfect knowledge and understanding of everything, including the past, present, and future. This attribute reminds us that we can trust in God’s wisdom and guidance, knowing that he sees the bigger picture and knows what is best for us.

The attribute of God’s omnipresence reveals that He is present everywhere at all times. God is not limited by space or time, and he is actively involved in every aspect of creation. This attribute assures us that we are never alone and that God is with us, providing comfort, strength, and guidance in every situation.

God’s love and grace are foundational attributes that demonstrate His boundless compassion and mercy towards humanity. Despite our flaws and shortcomings, God unconditionally extends His love and grace to us. Understanding and experiencing God’s love and grace deepens our connection with him and inspires us to extend the same love and grace to others.

God’s holiness sets him apart as pure, perfect, and separate from all sin and impurity. His holiness demands reverence and awe. Recognizing God’s holiness helps us strive for righteousness and purity in our own lives, seeking to align our thoughts, words, and actions with his divine character.

God’s justice and righteousness assure us that he is fair and will ultimately bring justice to all things. His righteous nature ensures that wrongdoing will not go unchecked and that justice will prevail. Understanding God’s justice and righteousness encourages us to seek justice in our own lives and advocate for good in the world around us.