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Oxygen Mask

Self-care is a critical component when you're in a position of providing emotional and mental support to others. It's akin to the airplane safety guideline to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others. If you're not taking care of yourself, your ability to care for someone else is compromised. 

Managing stress and avoiding burnout are essential to sustaining your support effectively. Regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and proper nutrition form the foundation of self-care. 

Additionally, don't hesitate to seek your own support network or professional help to process the emotional toll that helping others can take on you. Periodic self-assessment can help you recognize the signs of stress and burnout early on, allowing you to take proactive steps to recharge. 

If you find yourself overwhelmed, consider enrolling in a self-care course or seeking advice from trusted mentors and advisors. Remember, your well-being is not just a boon to you, but also to those you are helping.