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A Look at Literary Structures, for the Second Time

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Friends, new teaching is often best absorbed via repetition. So, what if I offer to you a “bonus” viewing of Observation? Yes, it's a bit rough. It's a Zoom call that I recorded. But I teach the same material and use the same PowerPoint presentation on “Major Structural Relationships" (found in the module resource page). But I am in a different place and time and most likely will use some different phrases which might serve your learning process. 

You may want to print out the True^North Booklet and the Structural Quick reference guide to serve as reference material for your future Observational work.

Now, it is not unusual that all this new material has not become second nature yet. When I teach in the classroom, I often get glazed looks as students are trying to put into words all that they have experienced in this module. They might have questions but have not fully formed them yet. So, I often have meetings in my office in the days after this lecture on Major Structural Relationships. This second video, well let’s call it more of an office visit. In this one, I am trying to answer your questions regarding the first discussion of Structural Relationships. Yes, I attempt to reinforce what I said in the first time through but then bring new clarity.

Keep in mind, in this module, I am introducing Observation to you. Please give it time to soak in. The next module will make this STICK! I promise you will get it!