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From Zelophehad to Huldah

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To listen to some, not only might you think that God does not want women to minister to men or lead men. You might also think that God mandates that we be sure to enforce the consequences of the Fall in this regard. Yet this is not what we see in Scripture, not even in the Old Testament.

It is worth pausing for a moment on this point. One perspective argues in effect, “This verse over here says women can’t lead or minister, so these instances of women doing things in Scripture must not be what they seem to be.”

But the opposite argument is actually stronger. Throughout Scripture, we observe God using women as the highest spiritual leaders (e.g., Huldah) and even political leaders (Deborah). That suggests that the verses used against them taking these roles are what are misinterpreted and taken out of context.

God is on a mission to restore us to Eden.

-Christy Lipscomb

Dr. Christy Lipscomb places the whole of Scripture into the context of Eden. Although God created Adam and Eve to co-rule, their sin messed everything all up. The rest of the Bible is the story of God on a mission to restore us to Eden. Part of that restoration is the restoration of women to their co-rulership in the creation.

Click the tabs below to consider several accounts.