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Expanding Our Table: The Journey to Belonging

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In the narrative of Christian hospitality, moving beyond the initial welcome to create a genuine sense of belonging is pivotal. Justin's third lesson draws us into the deeper waters of fellowship, where the church welcomes newcomers and integrates them into the fabric of community life. "We really want to open up our kitchen tables to others," Justin shares, capturing the essence of a hospitality that transforms strangers into family.

Hospitality means primarily the creation of free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy. Hospitality is not to change people, but to offer them space where change can take place. It is not to bring men and women over to our side, but to offer freedom not disturbed by dividing lines.

- Henri J.M. Nouwen

A Call to Enlarge Our Tables

Justin's story of launching a church focused on new immigrant families resonates with a profound call to action: to enlarge our kitchen tables. This metaphorical enlargement represents our efforts to extend our circles, to create spaces where everyone—regardless of where they come from—finds a place at the table. The "International Place of Friendship" that Justin speaks of is a powerful example of how the church can be a beacon of hope and friendship in a diverse community.

Building Bridges through Friendship

Creating a welcoming community goes beyond organized programs; it's about building bridges through genuine friendship and personal connection. The formation of the "Belong Team" in Justin's church illustrates a strategic approach to nurturing these connections, ensuring that each person feels welcomed, deeply cared for, and valued. This layer of care adds depth to the community's fabric, weaving together a tapestry of lives shared and supported.

An Invitation to Belong

As we reflect on this lesson, let's consider how our communities can better foster a sense of belonging. Let this serve as both a reminder and an inspiration to think creatively about extending our hospitality, making our churches places where everyone feels truly at home. Whether through small groups, shared meals, or personal follow-ups, each effort we make is a step towards a more inclusive and loving community.