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God said there’d be days like this.

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Proverbs Days

A Proverbs day is a day that works the way God intended it to work. Proverbs, filled with practical principles and guidelines, serves as a compass guiding us towards ethical conduct, harmonious relationships, and diligent work ethics. On a Proverbs day, we seek wisdom for every day. How should I raise my children? How should I approach my work? How should I behave toward others? Proverbs gives us insights and counsel on harmonious living, portraying the ideal path of integrity, discipline, and sound judgment.

Proverbs provides principles, not promises or formulas

-Dr. Steven Lennox

Job Days

On other days, the world doesn’t work the way it should. Virtuous living should lead to thriving. The wicked should get punished. On a Job day, we are serving the Lord to the best of our knowledge and ability, and everything still goes wrong. We remember that God is not the only spiritual force out there. We have an Adversary who prowls around like a lion looking for prey (1 Pet. 5:8). Despite Job’s unwavering faith and righteousness, affliction still tormented him and his family.

The Book of Job does not present a roadmap for eliminating suffering. Rather, it suggests that God is in control and still loves us despite our problems. It encourages the afflicted soul to embrace patience and perseverance without answers. It urges us to retain an unwavering trust in God amidst the whirlwind of suffering and confusion. Job days, although draped in agony, refine our character, fortify our resilience, and deepen our spiritual communion with God.

Ecclesiastes Days

On an Ecclesiastes day, nothing makes sense. Life’s ambiguity rises like a formidable mountain. Despite our belief, we find doubt crouching at the door. We believe, but life feels without meaning and purpose. We seem small and pointless in a vast universe. 

The Book of Ecclesiastes resonates with our human soul’s yearning for understanding amid what often seems like life’s emptiness and futility. It reflects the human quest for significance in a passing world that teems with inequity, uncertainty, and existential angst. This is what life might feel like if we did not have God.

Ecclesiastes does not provide neat solutions or formulas. It gently guides us to embrace humility. It bids us trust in God despite life’s mysteries. It calls us to “fear God and keep his commandments,” because that is all that ultimately matters.

Each of these books is a lighthouse, a liturgy to guide us through the varying days of our odyssey on the earth. On a Proverbs day, we are led along the path of righteousness, wisdom, and ethical living, laying the bricks of a successful and harmonious life. On a Job day, we learn to trust God despite the unfairness and injustice of life, despite suffering and testing. During an Ecclesiastes day, we learn humility and a total dependence on God.