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Discerning God's Voice

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Your calling begins to bubble up not because you force something to come, but because you're simply being obedient to get to know Jesus more.”

- Zach Coffin

Discerning God's voice can be difficult in our distraction-filled spaces.  It's about recognizing the difference between our thoughts, cultural noise, and the divine guidance God provides.

Discernment Practices

  1. Biblical Guidance: Regular engagement with the Bible is fundamental. God's Word is a primary way He speaks to us, offering wisdom, correction, and encouragement that align with His character and purposes.
  2. Personal Reflection and Prayer: Spend time in prayer, sharing with God and listening. Reflection on your prayers and the feelings or thoughts that arise during these times can be indicators of God's voice.
  3. Seeking Wise Counsel: Sometimes, God's voice is heard through the wisdom of others. Seeking advice from trusted spiritual mentors or leaders who are grounded in their faith can help clarify God's direction for your life.

Hearing God's voice requires patience, practice, and openness. By positioning yourself through community, sacred spaces, and personal practices, and by discerning through Scripture, prayer, and wise counsel, you can become more attuned to His divine guidance.