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Positioning Yourself to Hear God

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The ability to hear God's voice is pivotal for anyone seeking to live a life aligned with His will. However, this requires intentional positioning of oneself through spiritual practices, community engagement, and creating spaces conducive to listening.


  1. Community Influence: Surround yourself with a community of believers actively seeking God. Their faith can inspire yours, and their experiences can offer insights into how God communicates with His people. Beyond the community, Rev. Coffin encourages us to have friendships in our lives where we “don't have to convince them that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.” Rather, they are people who know God’s voice and can help us discern it.
  2. Sacred Spaces: Find or create physical spaces where you feel closer to God. This could be a quiet room in your home, a church, or a place in nature. Alternatively, this might be a bible study, a spiritual retreat, or another venue where the Holy Spirit is evident. These spaces can help tune your heart to listen to God.
  3. Personal Practices: Develop personal spiritual practices that draw you closer to God. This could be daily prayer, meditation on Scripture, fasting, or participating in worship. These practices help create a routine of listening and make it easier to discern God's voice.