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The Problem Solver Method

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Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace

Ephesians 4:2-3

While attitude sets the stage, it's the action that brings down the curtain. Jay and Sharon discussed the Problem Solver Method as a systematic, five-step approach to resolving conflicts with grace and wisdom. Let's take a look.

Five Steps of the Problem Solver Method

  1. Define the Problem: Get to the heart of the issue.
  2. Brainstorm Solutions: Gather an array of potential fixes.
  3. Choose the Best Option: Use wisdom and mutual agreement to select the most viable solution. Be clear about the criteria you'll use to evaluate potential solutions - such as feasibility, cost, or impact.
  4. Implement the Solution: Put your plan into action.
  5. Celebrate and Appreciate Each Other: Acknowledge your collective effort and mutual respect.

The Problem Solver Method is lauded for its structure and efficacy. However, it may seem formulaic or rigid to some. Try using the Problem Solver Method to address a minor issue in your relationship. It could be as simple as deciding where to go for your next date or as complex as your wedding plans.

Review and Next Steps

If the solution you've implemented isn't working as well as hoped, don't be discouraged. This method is iterative. You can—and should—make adjustments as needed. Don't forget, either, that conflict resolution requires not only logical thinking and problem-solving skills, but also empathy, patience, and humility.