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Geography: A Vital Tool

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As a side note, geography is also a vital tool, especially as it helps to answer the “where” question raised from your Observational work. Where Jesus is when He does miracles or when He speaks is worth investing your time. Most Study Bibles have maps placed throughout the text just for this purpose. You will also see in True^North (pp123) I include this chart. It is a visual representation of Jesus’ travels in Mark 4-8. More importantly, it reveals that He does the same miracles and teaching in Gentile territory as well as in the Jewish regions of Palestine. Geographically speaking, Jesus has come to serve everyone. This is one more reminder that the “who, what, where, when” questions are important to address in your Observation and to answer in your Interpretation.

Graphic depicting different Boat Scenes in Mark's Gospel. These include the Jewish Territory (Galilee), the Sea of Galilee, and the Gentile Territory (Decapolis).