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Completion requirements

The final effort in each module assignment will be the practical application of True^North Disciple-making. Theory put into action. To truly know something is to be able to teach it effectively. You (now officially a Disciple-maker) will take these newly developed resources and teach your Disciple-in-the-making. Walk them through the "what" issues at work as outlined in True^North but equally communicate the “why” of the positions. Make certain to not just supply logical arguments but to employ Scripture as the determining element. Keep in mind to have them actually use their own Bible to find, read, and apply the texts. You will learn step-by-step how to develop the tools of Reading-Understanding-Applying the word. It is my hope that both the Disciple-maker and the Disciple-in-the-making will resonate with this passage from John 13:7 as Jesus is washing the feet of the disciples, "Jesus replied, 'You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." As this True^North material is synthesized and internalized throughout this class, it will transform you both. It is the delight of disciple-making; its shapes everyone involved.

For your edification…I am posting a link to my material that I share when I teach True^North to advanced Bible classes or to lay leaders in local churches. This is my contribution to your development. You may use this or any other material you find in our campfire conversation. Remember, we are “One” just as Jesus and the Father are one. I hope these PowerPoints help. 

Following this Disciple-making effort be sure to post in the Campfire discussion board according to the guidelines provided in Module.