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Recruiting your Disciple-in-the-making

One of the first activities for this class is to have you (the“Disciple-maker”) recruit a person or persons to participate with you in the formation of Bible Study skills and materials. Thus, in this first module, you will need to find someone who will be available for 2-3 hours per week for the remainder of the class. This relationship can be with a brand-new Christian or someone who has been in the church for years. They will serve as that first person to hear and interact with the new Bible Study skills being developed for the class. In this class, you are not merely being taught new skills to read the Bible. But equally you are being taught so that you can teach them to others. That is the Kingdom way. Being other-centered. Thus, the best assessment for the outcomes of this class is not if you can pass a test on Bible Study skills. But can you teach them to others?

Once you have identified your recruit, complete the form in Module 1 to notify your instructor. It is important that you complete this activity as early as possible.