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Pastor Jolicoeur addresses one final element of the worship service itself in this lesson, namely, transitions. Transitions are the moments between one element of the service and the next. They are, in his words, both opportunities and threats. They are opportunities because they can pull the congregation forward into whatever part of the service comes next. They are threats because they can also undermine the flow of worship.

In the video, Pastor Jolicoeur likens these transitions to the passing of a football. He offers us the phrase “tone matching.” If one element of worship is high energy, then the football should be passed to a next element that at least begins with high energy. The energy should change during the element, not during the transition.

So an element full of energy should not pass to something somber and slow. If the sermon ends on a point of high energy and rejoicing, then a concluding song should also have high energy. You should not move from a high-energy song to a very serious prayer but should slow down the tone before you get there. 

High energy should match high energy. Low energy should match low energy. Match the tone and change the tone in the element, not the transition.

The bottom line is to be intentional about these football passes.