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Understanding the Great Commission

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Calling starts with aligning and surrendering our lives to the plans and purpose of God to go and make disciples.

- Zach Coffin

The Great Commission, as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20, is not a directive for a select few but a calling for all followers of Christ. It is a mission that extends beyond personal salvation to participating in the transformation of the world through the making of disciples.

Key Concepts

  1. Mission for All: This mission transcends individual roles and vocations, inviting every believer to partake in spreading the Gospel and making disciples.
  2. Roles Within the Church: The church serves as a body with diverse roles, each critical to fulfilling the Great Commission. Every role is significant, whether one is called to pastoral ministry, missions abroad, or faithful service in one's local community.
  3. Personal Application: Whether it's through engaging conversations about faith with friends, volunteering for local community services, or supporting global missionary efforts through prayer and donations, every action counts. Consider your unique skills and passions.