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Christological Heresies Today

Completion requirements

In your reading for this lesson, you came across several of the mistaken ideas about Christ that were part of the early debates in the church. Most of these either did not fully affirm Jesus’ divinity, or they underestimated his humanity. Similarly, in the world today, there are some who only think of Jesus as a spectacular human, and others who so accentuate his divinity that they do not fully appreciate his humanity.

Using the mistakes about Jesus in the early church as a guide and drawing on any additional research you might do, Write at least 300 words on a contemporary “heresy” about Jesus in the church or world today. If it resembles an ancient heresy, identify which one. 

After making your initial post, please read through the responses of your classmates and make at least two follow-up comments on a different day than your original post. Remember to respect the diversity of perspectives and experiences within our community as you engage in this discussion. Your responses should contribute meaningfully to the discussion, whether by asking insightful questions, providing additional examples or perspectives, or challenging ideas respectfully. Each follow-up comment should be at least 100 words. This discussion is worth 25 points.

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