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Faulty Anthropology

Completion requirements

As you learned in your reading, theological anthropology is the study of humanity from the standpoint of how God views us. In this discussion, we are interested in faulty views of humanity that are present both in the church and the world today. Make an initial post of at least 300 words pointing out a view of humanity that you believe is theologically problematic. It is possible that we will have some disagreement, so please be respectful of individuals who have a different perspective at this time.

Some points of possible discussion:

  • Are all human beings intrinsically valuable, no matter how evil they might be?
  • To what extent were male and female created to have diffent roles in the creation, if at all? Alternatively, one might view any differentiated roles as a product of the Fall.
  • To what extent is human sexuality and its expression part of God’s design for humanity?
  • Assuming that God created humanity entirely good, how fallen would you say humanity is? Has the image been lost? How hopeless is the human condition without help from God?

After your initial post, please read through the responses of your classmates and make at least two follow-up comments on a different day than your original post. These responses should contribute meaningfully to the discussion, whether by asking insightful questions, providing additional examples or perspectives, or challenging ideas respectfully. Each follow-up comment should be at least 100 words. This discussion is worth 25 points.

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