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Discussion: Let Jesus be the Guide

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Let Jesus be the Guide. Below is a visual aid as I attempt to describe to you the importance of this initial step of Application. It is often called Evaluation. It’s where we have a round-table discussion with all the other writers of Scripture regarding a similar biblical topic. So, imagine sitting around a table (maybe this is Jesus’ original Campfire chat) with people like Moses, David, Ezekiel, Luke, Paul, and John. Some are contributing to the conversation while others are silent. 

For example, if you worked on Mark 1, who might speak on the topics of the wilderness? What about the words spoken over Jesus by the Father at His Baptism? Or what about the topic of temptation. Where else in scripture, both Old and New testament, does that arise with regularity? 

In Mark 8, what role does the naming of John the Baptist, Elijah, or “one of the Prophets” play in the question-answer of Jesus to the disciples? What about the designation “Christ” chosen by Peter? Does that have a scriptural background from the Old Testament?

If you worked on Mark 15, what Psalm is brought front and center in Jesus’ death? Where else in Scripture does the theme of darkness play an important role? 

Biblical "Round-Table" - Sponsored by The Father - Enabled by The Spirit - overhead image of a table surrounded by seats labeled with books of the Bible.  At the head of the table is Jesus Messiah (Moderator).  A call is made at the bottom to 'bring your passage and its teaching into the dialogue

Here is the hard part. To properly begin this first step of Application, you need to be aware of the whole Canon of Scripture; both the Old and New Testament. Ready to ramp this up? As you are listening to the Round-Table discussion, you need to find a way to put voices into the mouths of the OT and NT writers. How might they contribute to the conversation? Here is an affirming word. You have already begun the process. Remember your Interpretation work, as you read with the “Community of Faith?” One of the areas I asked you to focus upon was to hear these scholars discuss the topic “Echoes of Scripture.” Review your notes and think through these questions, 

  1. How do the OT voices help prepare us for the teachings in Mark 1, 8, 15? Are these prophetic words now fulfilled in Jesus? If so, how? 
  2. Are the NT voices in complete agreement with the OT? Does the story of Jesus as told by Mark (or John or Paul) alter our understanding of the inbreaking Kingdom of God? If so, specifically in what ways? 
  3. Directly related to question #2 is this additional one. If there is not complete agreement on the meaning of a topic, is this because the NT has called us to recalibrate our Spiritual compass based upon the voice of Jesus? A more technical way of putting this question: What issues were raised in your interpretation that are not for all times and for all cultures? For example, the chapter on Application (chapter 10) in True^North discusses the topic of Jewish food laws? Are they for all people in every setting at all times? 

Now, if you did not invest much time in that area of Interpretation, now is the time to regain your footing. Go back and check the three resources you used. As you scan these sources, you will quickly see that Mark is not the only voice at the Round-table. Many other biblical writers speak truth regarding the same topic. Now, if I was going to suggest two commentaries, it would be the two below. Their format is designed not only to focus on Interpretation (What the text meant) but also Application (What the text means to us).

Now that you have integrated this first step in Application with your Interpretation “final answer”, write a 250 word summary to the three questions above. You may nuance them a bit as you ponder these equally relevant questions, “How has this effort helped you situate your passage in the larger context of the whole Bible?” Or How has the rest of the Bible helped grasp your understanding of your passage?

Now, before you submit your work, why not look at my grading rubric for both this part of Application and the Final Application.