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Around the Campfire (Discussion)

Keep in mind that this class has a twofold emphasis. First, for you to learn how to read-interpret-and apply the Word. Second, you are equally learning “Bible Study Skills” so you can train others how they can read the Word. Thus, the class is about both receiving new skills and then being other centered as you learn to give them away. And the best way to assess that you have learned something is not via an objective test but if you can actually teach these new skills to someone else. 

Now, employ your Christian Imagination for a moment. You are in a class traveling on a 8 week trail journey together. Let’s say it is on the Appalachian Trail. Each evening, we would gather around the campfire. Yes, for food and warmth. But also for illumination and fellowship as we debrief regarding the events of the day’s journey. In our case, we will process “around the campfire” what you encountered in the previous module. Simply, this will be a time of Iron sharpening iron (Prov 27:17). 

In all future modules (1-8), you will be learning new Bible Study Skills PLUS creating Disciple-making materials to teach someone else “How to Study the Bible.” I will give you resources to help with this part of the journey. I do not want you to recreate the wheel. You will have copies of my True^North notes in the form of my workbook, Powerpoints for teaching and handouts to train people in the Word. You will not be starting from scratch. 

In this on-going campfire discussion center, each week you will share your current material. This will be discussed in detail in Module 1. Second, I will comment on it as it will seem valuable for you making changes for the next module. For example, what went well? And why? What was awkward? What felt unpolished or under-developed as you shared? How can you make it more organic and a bit less rigid? It's totally up to you. The topics you share will not be graded as right or wrong. They just ARE.  This is also the place to raise questions for me as the professor. 

As you sit around this imaginary campfire, I am sure you have stories to tell; that is the point of a campfire. At the end of a long day, what were the most important events worth telling? So, in this on-going Discussion center, first, I want you to post your disciple-making material at the end of each module. Thus, you are helping to make this a wonderful repository of Disciple-making material for us all to share. Second, I am asking you to briefly comment on your disciple-making experience (100 words minimum). It will be our way of hearing you ponder aloud. Keep in mind the axiom, 80% of the ministry is simply showing up. So no huge number of points will be assigned for each post. That can result in a full letter grade difference. points will be assigned