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Freedom from Sin

Completion requirements

In the video overview to this module, Dr. Bounds alluded to the fact that various Christian traditions differ on how optimistic they are about the power of God in this life to overcome our sinful flesh so that we can live above temptation. For example, the Lutheran tradition is quite pessimistic about the likelihood that we might consistently resist temptation, On the other end of the spectrum, holiness traditions believe a person could in theory consistently resist temptation by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Do a little research on contrasting views of what Romans 7 might mean. Engaging them, make an initial post of at least 300 words engaging one of the positions you encountered (whether you agree with it or not). Describe the position and give your initial reaction. 

After making your initial post, please read through the responses of your classmates and make at least two follow-up comments on a different day than your original post. Remember to respect the diversity of perspectives and experiences within our community as you engage in this discussion. These responses should contribute meaningfully to the discussion, whether by asking insightful questions, providing additional examples or perspectives, or challenging ideas respectfully. Each follow-up comment should be at least 100 words. This discussion is worth 25 points.