Corey Nieman -
Serving the other is an essential part of being a follower of Jesus. Jesus is the suffering servant. Therefore we are suffer well. Part of suffering well is when a crisis hits us to rise up into hope and healing, and the other part is to help those experiencing likewise moments. When I look at the scriptures as to what Jesus did in those moments of offering help and healing, sometimes there was a crowd of people around, but most times it was in very intimate scenarios. It has been said that the strongest evangelism comes in the form of modeling the work of Jesus the suffering servant, rather than preaching it. Our words fail us, and are cheap without acts of service to back it up.
For us in this generation, the new mission field is less about the poor, and more about the imigrant, the identiy confused, the person struggling in addiction. To put on a Thanksiving dinner for these folks would be impactful. Not that the poor arent still underserved and wouldn't be represented among the guests, however the categories of those most in conflict with God's truth are the one's that need love from him the most right now. Caring for those who feel at odds with God, can be a powerful opportunity for transformation. More and more I am visited by people with such concerns for counsel and prayer as opposed to those with financial woes, however some of it has to do with whom your church is called to serve. Suburban churches for example, are not often surrounded with poor folks. This is where we have to be both community and globally minded.
I think occasionally churches should all wear matching shirts and go out in the community and pick up trash, but that's more a public service than a local missions outreach. Many times churches are focused on donating to missionaries overseas and don't get their hands dirty at home enough. The bottom line is we should always dedicate the work we undertake unto the Lord and allow him to direct our path as to how to spirit moves in us and others to take notice. All churches should be charitable, and missional as a both/and statement of giving. Some serving will catch attention of others, and some is not meant to be identified. So long as we give God the glory within our hearts, what happens as a result is up to Him as to how the kindombuilding happens.