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Luther Lee’s Ordination Sermon

Issue of the law, not the spirit...

Issue of the law, not the spirit...

de Corey Nieman - Número de respuestas: 1

Corey Nieman Refelection - 

  There is a difference between equity and equality. Equality is established in Galatians 3:28 that all people are one under Christ. We are the bride, the church, the servants of God. Back when Luther Lee wrote this article there was very little, if any at all, talk of the equity movement. Nowadays a man can say he identifies as a woman, and a woman a man. As our government tries to legislate this new morality, like the Pharasies of old, they have created a counterfeit version of equality. In doing so they have confused the issue even moreso in the schools, in sports, and in the church. Lee makes the point that God does not see a person's ethnicity, nor skin color, nor sex, nor tribe, so much as he sees the souls of his creation. There are no mistakes in God's design. As this was written and preached in the 1800's, I wonder how it might have been approached today. I would suggest that the scripture still stands and the point Lee is making is that if we have the Holy Spirit inside us we are given all the resources we need to marry, bury, and preach. The law of the day back then in the 1800's and the laws of today are where the problem lies. Instead of taking God at his word and letting that be the law, there are now hyperfocused agendas afoot to tip the scales in favor of minority voices. Which is another example of how man cannot fix spiritual problems. Only God knows the content of our character, and our true worth. 

  This is doubly true in marriages as God is the author and creator of binding a man and a woman. The issue again lies in the man made laws surrounding this institution. In the 1800's women were the property of men, almost akin to slavery. Genesis is often misinterpreted as man ruling over women and slaves. Like a slave, women had no voice, had no rights to vote, could not own property in most cases. Where these laws were perversions of God's truth, so too are the laws made to counter that injustice of recent years. Yet both of these sets of laws fails to hit the mark that only God can bring balance to. Unfortunatley the lawmakers are mostly interested in becoming their own gods over the people, not bringing the people closer to God. I think the enemy influences our laws as the twisting of scripture that divides and conquers people based on their differences as opposed to unifying people through their commanality of being God's creation. If this sermon was preached today, would social media try to cancel it? Would equity movements try to circumvent it? Would our government try to silence this truth?  These are mostly rhetorical questions.  

En respuesta a Corey Nieman

Re: Issue of the law, not the spirit...

de Ken Schenck -
These are areas where all sorts of factors can interfere with our thinking. I feel like Jesus masterfully cut through the rationalizations and ideologies when he said in Matthew 7:12 -- "Do to others whatever you would want them to do to you." To me, it provides such clarity.