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Course Capstone

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The purpose of this summative assessment is to gauge your understanding of the entire course. It will test your knowledge of the main topics discussed in each lesson.


In this course, you have been exposed to the process of inductive Bible study, starting with the exegesis of the biblical text and ending with its application to your life today. In this Capstone assignment, you will demonstrate the skills you have learned. Follow the steps below for this assignment:

  1. Pick a paragraph from any part of Scripture.
  2. Pray throughout the process of doing the assignment.
  3. Observe the text.
    • Do a brief survey of the book or section in which your paragraph is located (depending on the length of the book). Outline the book/section. Identify the prominent relationships between the main subunits of the book/section. Ask appropriate questions about the relationships you have identified.
    • Observe the paragraph in detail. What are key terms you will want to explore further? Are there key connecting words or grammatical features? Are there important allusions to historical or cultural context? What is the tone or atmosphere of the paragraph? Ask appropriate questions about your observations.
  4. Interpret the text.
    • Pick at least one question that you raised in your detailed observation. Use evidence from the literary and historical context to answer your question as best you can. After you have one your own study, feel free to consult secondary sources such as commentaries, but do not let them overpower your own conclusions. 
  5. Apply the text.
    • What does the rest of Scripture have to say on the question you investigated during your interpretation?
    • Pray again. What do you think the Spirit is telling you in relation to the question you investigated? Are there points of continuity or discontinuity between that aspect of the paragraph and today? What are the broader principles involved? What has the community of faith throughout the ages had to say on the question? What is the church today saying about it?
  6. Write a conclusion to your study.

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