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Course Capstone Assessment

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Comprehensive Team Development Plan

This assessment is designed to be a detailed and reflective exercise that allows you to showcase your understanding and practical application of the course material. It brings together the various elements you have worked on throughout the course, emphasizing a holistic approach to team development in a church leadership context.

Components to Include

  • Reflection and Action Plan (from Lesson 1):
    Include your reflection on your church’s organizational culture and an action plan to enhance team competence, character, and chemistry.
  • Skills and Talent Audit (from Lesson 2):
    Incorporate the audit of your team’s skills and talents, highlighting gaps and potential new roles or responsibilities.
  • Time Management Plan (from Lesson 3):
    Add your time management plan that prioritizes tasks based on urgency and importance, utilizing the Eisenhower Matrix or a similar tool.
  • Delegation Diary (from Lesson 4):
    Summarize key insights from your delegation diary, focusing on your experiences and lessons learned in delegating tasks effectively.
  • Sending Ceremony Design (from Lesson 5):
    Include the design of a sending ceremony or event, showcasing how you plan to recognize and celebrate the growth and transitions of team members.


  1. Compile and Integrate (2 hours)
    1. Compile the components from the practice activities into a single cohesive document (if possible).
    2. Ensure each section flows logically into the next, creating a comprehensive narrative of your team development approach.
  2. Analysis and Synthesis (2 hours)
    1. Analyze how each component of the plan interrelates and supports your overall strategy for team development.
    2. Synthesize insights gained from each practice activity to demonstrate a holistic understanding of nurturing and developing a team within a church context.
  3. Conclusion and Future Application (1 hour)
    1. Conclude with a reflection on how this plan will impact your leadership and your team’s growth.
    2. Discuss how you intend to apply these strategies in your future leadership endeavors.


  1. Submit your Comprehensive Team Development Plan as the final summative assessment for the course.
  2. Ensure that the plan is clear, well-organized, and reflective of the course learning objectives.