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Practice Activity: Sending Ceremony Design

Completion requirements

In this activity you will design a sending ceremony or event for a team member transitioning to a new role, focusing on meaningful celebration and acknowledgment. We will apply the concepts of celebration and acknowledgment from this lesson, recognizing team member transitions in a meaningful way. The exercise also encourages reflection on the role such ceremonies play in fostering a positive and supportive church community. 


  1. Identify the Occasion (15 minutes):
    • Choose a hypothetical scenario involving a team member transitioning to a new role. This could be a promotion within the church, a move to a different church, or a transition to a non-church role.
    • Briefly describe the team member's contribution to the church and the significance of their new role.
  2. Designing the Ceremony/Event (1 hour):
    • Outline the key components of the ceremony or event. Consider location, attendees, program flow, speeches, and any special rituals or traditions.
    • Ensure that the design reflects both the church’s culture and the individual's impact and contribution.
  3. Personalized Elements (30 minutes):
    • Incorporate personalized elements that honor the specific individual. This could include testimonials, a highlight reel of their contributions, or a special recognition award.
    • Consider how to involve the congregation or team members in this celebration.
  4. Logistics and Planning (15 minutes):
    • Detail the logistical aspects of the event: date, time, venue, budget, and required resources.
    • Include a plan for inviting attendees and promoting the event within your church community.
  5. Reflection (15 minutes):
    • Reflect on the process of designing this ceremony/event.
    • Consider how this type of celebration can reinforce the values of your church and encourage other team members.


Submit a detailed plan of the sending ceremony or event, including your reflections on its significance and impact.