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Practice Activity: Delegation Diary

Completion requirements

In this exercise, you are tasked with maintaining a diary or journal for a week; documenting delegation experiences, challenges faced, and lessons learned. The diary or journal illustrate will help demonstrate how you apply delegation in practice and how you plan to use it for team development. It will also be used in the Course Capstone assessment. 


  1. Setting Up Your Diary (15 minutes on Day 1):
    • Set up a diary or journal, either digital or physical, dedicated to this activity.
    • Decide on a convenient time each day to make your entries.
  2. Daily Entries (15-20 minutes daily for 7 days):
    • Each day, document any delegation tasks you have undertaken.
    • Note the following for each delegation instance:
      • The task you delegated and to whom.
      • Your reasons for delegating this task.
      • Any challenges or hesitations you faced.
      • The outcome of the delegation (immediate or expected).
  3. Reflecting on the Experience (30 minutes on Day 7):
    • At the end of the week, review your diary entries.
    • Reflect on the following:
      • Patterns or trends in your delegation style.
      • Any improvements or changes you noticed in your team.
      • Lessons learned and how you plan to apply them going forward.
  4. Planning for Future Delegation (15 minutes on Day 7):
    • Based on your reflections, outline a brief plan for how you aim to improve or adjust your delegation approach in the future.


Submit your completed Delegation Diary, along with your reflective summary and future delegation plan.