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Course Capstone Assessment

Completion requirements
Make a submission

To receive your certificate and credit for completion of this course, you will submit evidence that you can, indeed, share your faith. Follow the instructions below to complete this assessment.


  1. Capture yourself on audio or video actively sharing your faith.
  2. Your recording should include the following:
    • Your Personal Testimony
    • An explanation of the Plan of Salvation (God's part and Your Part)
    • A commitment question to the person(s) you are sharing with (e.g., Would you like to cross the bridge?, Would you like to become a Christian? Is there anything preventing you from crossing the bridge today?)
    • Optional: if an individual makes a commitment, pray a a prayer of commitment with them.
  3. Submit your recording (or link to your recording) using the option below.

Sample Prayer of Commitment

Dear Father, I know that I am a sinner. The Bible states that because I'm a sinner, I am going to be destined to a place of eternal punishment. But because you love me so much, you sent your son, Jesus Christ to take the punishment that I deserved. And by accepting that gift, by believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, your son, that he died and was resurrected, that he is alive right now— by accepting this truth, and by accepting this free gift of eternal life that comes through your son, Jesus Christ—I know by faith that I can have eternal life. That if anything were to happen to me here on Earth, I would know that my spirit would go to heaven to be with you and to spend eternity with you. I pray this in your wonderful name. Amen.