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Practice: Fasting

Completion requirements

Fasting is probably not a spiritual discipline that excites a lot of us, but it is clearly biblical. Read Matthew 6:16-18. Do not obsess on the question of whether others will know. Jesus had a particular kind of public hypocrite in mind in these verses. He was not trying to burden an overly sensitive conscience! You are engaging in a means of grace, a way to experience God’s love!

If you are physically able – God understands if you have a medical or family reason not to fast – choose a time this week to fast a meal. Choose a time that is impactful, not one where you normally wouldn’t have eaten or on a schedule that you wouldn’t notice. During your fasting time, engage in a spiritual discipline (praying, reading Scripture, helping others). After the experience, perhaps after giving it a day or two to ruminate, write a reflection on the experience. How do you think it impacted your spiritual life and life in general? Upload your reflection to the course using the option below.