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Comparing Articles

Completion requirements

At the time of the formation of the Pilgrim Holiness Church in 1922, the Wesleyan Methodist Church had been in existence for more than 75 years. For the most part, the two denominations shared a common Methodist theology. It is thus not surprising that their printed statements of belief would be quite similar, having been drawn for the most part from the Methodist Episcopal Church.

However, there were several points of divergence. For this assignment let us look at the Articles of Religion from these two denominations at that time.

  1. Locate the Articles of Religion (pages 9-21) in the 1919 Discipline of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. Using their headings or shorter ones of your own, make a list of the 21 Articles.
  2. Now do the same with the Articles of Religion (pages 12-20) in the 1922 Manual of the Pilgrim Holiness Church. Make a similar list of the 17 Articles.
  3. Now compare the two lists, highlighting in some way articles that are unique to one or the other list. Notice how many are shared articles with almost identical wording.
  4. There were a few places where the denominations had different perspectives. One was their understanding of entire sanctification. The other was their views on the second coming. The mode and importance of baptism was another. Find the articles covering two of these topics (including Appendix A in the Wesleyan Methodist Discipline) and write a brief analysis of what you see as the different perspectives.

Submit your two lists and a brief (200-300 word) essay on the differing articles. Upload it to the platform. This assignment is worth 40 points.