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Word Study - Why and How

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This section of the Interpretation process is dedicated to word studies. In the material provided in the Module readings and resources you will find several tools to help you dig deep into both the “why” and the “how” of word studies. In short, we do wordies because the scripture we hold as sacred was written in ancient Hebrew and Greek, not English. Further, out of our Observation, we asked questions such as “what Greek word stands behind the English term “Gospel” in Mark 1:1? Now, in the Interpretation process, we are trying to answer this question as the word was employed by Mark in the first century. 

So, let’s begin walking through the material related to word studies. First, I encourage you to re-read the material in True^North chapter 9, especially pages 123-130. Also, read the related material in Dr. Schenck’s Brief Guide on Word Studies.. 

Second, work your way through the document entitled, “True^North Word Study: The Why and the How.” This is a bit dense, so I might encourage you to make notes of the material that might help you with your future Disciple-making material. You know it's coming. With that in mind, I have included an abbreviated PowerPoint that might serve you well in that process.

Now to the heart of word studies. I want you to choose two (2) words to study which arose out of your paragraph or sentence observations in the previous module. I have included a video with step-by-step instructions plus and a word study worksheet to help in the process. Take your time and complete two word studies. The best way to learn how to do word studies is to actually do them. And the more you do, the more efficient and more proficient you will become.

Finally, I have included 2 word study samples; one from Mark 8 and one from Ephesians 4.

Remember, in the end, you are being question-driven as you do your word studies, “What is the meaning of the Greek word ________ and what are the implications? Interpretation is simply answering the questions raised in your Observational work. Always keep the entire process of True^North Bible Study in mind as you do each step. 

Now, scan and upload the two word studies.

You may want some insight into how I will evaluate your word study. Here you go. First, I want you to demonstrate that you have utilized the online concordance @ Show me evidence that you have located your word in a Greek Lexicon and documented several possible meanings. Next, show me you have “observed” each occurrence in its context. Do not simply record where it appears but use your newly developed sentence level observational skills to help unpack how each usage may be slightly nuanced from others. Third, show me you grasp the ever enlarging “circles of context”. Finally, have you closed with citing the significant evidence and then fashioned a concise definition in a few sentences which gives the meaning in your specific content? Each Word Study is worth 25 points.