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Surveying an Entire Book

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Opened: Thursday, January 26, 2023, 12:00 AM

This module begins with a deep dive into the process of “Surveying an entire Book.” How do we see an entire book from the 10,000ft view? Let's think of the Big Picture. The Gospel of Mark will once again be our text. We will learn about the literary structures (internal logic) which holds literature together into a whole. You received extensive handouts to serve as both verbal and visual models in the last Module. In this Module (especially in the reading of chapter 7 of True^North), I will walk you through the structures which hold Mark into a literary whole. 

This Big-Picture Observation of Mark will lead into the next steps in Observation; observing paragraphs and finally with the detailed level observation of sentences. We will employ these newly acquired Observational skills on one of three passages (1) Mark 1:1-13, (2) Mark 8:27-33 or Mark 15:25-39. You can see that I choose “Paragraphs” (aka strategic passages) based upon the Book level Observations of Mark. So, for this next assignment, choose one of these three passages for your paragraph and sentence level work.

Once you have read the assigned material, in both True^North Chapter 7 and in the Brief Guide, please submit a 350 word highlight reel of what you read. I want you to keep in mind your Disciple-in-the-making. What will you share with them that will help them grasp the importance of reading entire books and discovering the literary structures which hold them together?