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​The Necessity of True^North Bible Study

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I want to make sure we "Begin with the End in Mind." We need to know both “where we are going” and “why we are going there!” And it's best to focus there before we begin the discussion of “How” we will get there. As I serve as your disciple-maker, I will continually remind you of both where you are walking and why it is so important to venture in this direction. These are the foundational theological issues that need to be grasped by you so they can be imparted to others. Calibrating our compass towards True^North is vital. These two factors, WHY and HOW will be important throughout the class…Yes, we often want to jump to the “How” question. But as you will discover, the mechanics of the “how” of True^North Bible study stands on the firm foundation of why we are doing it. I will be asking you to continually integrate the WHY into the HOW of disciple-making curriculum.

Below you will find two (2) options for an introductory assignment for this module. Both are essential but I am only asking you to do one for credit.

Option #1

What is the Problem in the way we read the Bible?

In Module 1, I tried to help you define “What is the problem when it comes to superficial Bible reading skills?” In part, it arises from our understanding of “How do we describe the act of ‘conversion.’” But it can also come from a number of other factors, such as “what is the purpose of the Bible in the life of a Christian?” For example, “Is it a book of moral principles?” Or maybe it's a reference book for theological truths? What about perceiving the Bible as devotional literature for daily encouragement?’ The way and the reason we read to the Word can often dictate the outcomes we get. Below is a video put together by a former student, Clay Crofford, as part of his final project in a class. It will help you wrap your mind and heart around some of the problems in how we encounter the Bible. In the end, he will assist you in becoming a better disciple-maker in the Word. That is always my goal for you. 

As you watch the video, take notes and develop talking points for some of the key elements which help you articulate the problem and suggest some possible solutions. I might suggest taking notes in two (2) categories. First, what are new truths that have been revealed to you? If the video maker is sitting in front of you in Starbucks, what topic might you say, “Thanks Clay for saying ….” Speak words of gratitude to Clay for something he has made clear. Second, what questions would you put before him? Simply, over coffee, “Clay, I wish you had gone deeper into the issue of …..? I’m just not sure I could explain this to someone else. I need more clarity. 

Reading Blind Website

Now that you have your material put together (500 words or two pages), please submit by clicking the submission button.

Option #2

What is the Bible?

Now this question may actually be “the question before the question.” For when you ask, “What is the Bible” we are really asking a whole series of foundational questions. Such as, “How does the Book operate in my life?” Or maybe, “How do I perceive the function or purpose of the Bible?” I believe you can hear that I am still getting at the “why” question you have been placing before your disciple-in-the-making; “Why do I need to do a ‘Second Reading’ of the Word?” 

May I alert you to a wonderful resource: And there is a companion podcast where the winsome and energetic co-hosts discuss, “Why and how to read the Bible.” But in our specific situation, the question of “the function of the Bible” is raised and answered in this one podcast. Now, buckle up if you are going to listen to this podcast for your assignment. Grab a cup of coffee and a notebook…and buckle up, for they raise many issues which will serve you well as a student of the word…plus as a disciple-maker. Again, this is not for the faint of heart. Be ready to be stretched and to have some of your presuppositions challenged.

After listening to the podcast, please use the same criteria as the assignment above. What new truths have you discovered and what questions might you like to ask? 

Now that you have your material put together (500 words), please submit this assignment.