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Capstone Activity

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This course has been quite a journey. We have traveled through Scripture, seeing both the positive examples of women leading and ministering, and we have examined those passages often used as an argument against it. We have then seen examples of women led of the Spirit throughout history and had a heart-to-heart about the state of the question in the church today.

This final project has two parts. The first part is for you to create a two-page (600-word) “cheat sheet” on this issue titled, “Arguments for Women in Ministry Leadership.” Using the material from this class as well as any other material you might want to use, create a bulleted list of the arguments you think are most important and convincing. You will also want to address arguments that are made against women in ministry such as those from 1 Corinthians 14 and 1 Timothy 2.

In the second part of your project, strategize on how to help the church become more open to women in ministry and leadership. What are some action steps you/we can take as a church to remove barriers and see more churches willing to hire women to be their pastors? Be as concrete and specific as possible. You might start with some of the reasons why people resist women in ministry. Then your strategies can address those reasons.

Write up your thoughts and upload them to the course. Congratulations on completing the components toward earning your MicroBadge!