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How Should We Live?

Completion requirements

In Dr. Bounds’ video on Christian ethics, he discusses several different approaches and emphases that different individuals, including Christians, have taken on ethics throughout the centuries. In an essay of 450-1000 words, create your own formulation of Christian ethics. You might address the following potential elements in your “ethical equation”:

  • What is the role of “what I want” and what I perceive to satisfy my desires and urges?
  • What is the role of the consequences of an action – what will bring about the greatest “good” for the greatest number, for example?
  • What is the role of duties, absolutes, or universal principles? What is the role of “dos” and “don’ts”?
  • What is the role of virtue, character, and who you are as a person? What is the role of faith, hope, and love, for example? What is love? Do you prefer Augustine or Aquinas’ definition?

Do some research as you prepare to write this assignment. Be sure to cite your resources. This should be an organized essay with an introduction and conclusion. When you are finished, upload your assignment to the course. This assignment is worth 50 points.