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Lesson 4 Practice

Completion requirements

Conduct an assessment of your church’s accessibility and inclusivity for individuals with disabilities. Begin by evaluating the physical accessibility of the church building. Are there ramps and elevators for individuals with mobility impairments? Is there accessible seating available and appropriately located within the sanctuary? Examine the availability and functionality of assistive listening devices for those with hearing impairments. Are visual aids such as screens with closed captions used during services? Additionally, identify if there is a designated sensory room or quiet space for individuals who may become overstimulated during services.

Next, assess the inclusivity of your church’s Sunday School and other programs where applicable. Are a variety of teaching methods employed to cater to different learning styles (e.g., hands-on activities, visual aids, and multimedia resources)? Are flexible seating arrangements provided? Is individualized support such as volunteers or aides available for children with specific disabilities? Have Sunday School teachers and program leaders received training on how to work with children with disabilities?

Write up your assessment and upload it to the course.