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Practice: Volunteer Feedback

Completion requirements

Design a feedback instrument to gather insights from your church’s volunteer teams, focusing on understanding their experiences, needs, challenges, and motivations to inform future volunteer management and support strategies.


  1. Research (30 minutes): Investigate different feedback collection methods (e.g., surveys, interviews, focus groups) to understand their strengths and applicability in various contexts. Consider what method(s) would be most effective for engaging with your volunteer teams and eliciting meaningful feedback.
  2. Feedback Instrument Development (60 minutes):
    1. Choose a feedback collection method based on your research and the context of your church’s volunteer team. Then, develop the instrument accordingly:
      1. For a survey, create questions that aim to uncover quantitative and qualitative insights. Include rating scales for satisfaction or agreement, multiple-choice questions for specific preferences or experiences, and open-ended questions for detailed feedback and suggestions.
      2. Draft a guide with open-ended questions designed to facilitate discussion for interviews or focus groups. Ensure some prompts encourage volunteers to share their thoughts on their roles, the support they receive, any challenges they face, and ideas for improvements.
    2. Focus on creating questions that are clear, concise, and designed to encourage honest and constructive feedback. Avoid leading or biased questions to ensure the authenticity of the responses.


  1. Generate a document that contains:
    1. An overview of the selected feedback collection method and the rationale behind its choice.
    2. The complete set of questions or discussion prompts for the chosen feedback instrument, organized by theme or topic as appropriate.
  2. Upload your document using the option below.