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Practice: Hospitality Reflection and Action

Completion requirements

Reflect on personal experiences with hospitality and identify a simple (personal) act where you can practice hospitality in daily life.


  1. Reflection: Spend 30 minutes reflecting on a time when you experienced profound hospitality and how it made you feel. Consider a time you provided hospitality to someone else. Use a journal or digital document for your reflections.
  2. Biblical Connection: Spend 30 minutes reading and reflecting on one or two biblical passages about hospitality (suggestions: Hebrews 13:2, 1 Peter 4:8-9). Note your insights and how they relate to your personal experiences.
  3. Action: Based on your reflections and biblical insights, spend 30 minutes identifying a personal act of hospitality that you can practice in the next month. This should include specific, actionable steps, such as inviting a neighbor for coffee, volunteering for a church welcome committee, or reaching out to someone in your community who may feel isolated.


Upload your reflections and personal act(s) of hospitality you’ve identified using the option below.