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Practice: Stakeholder Mapping and Engagement Plan

Completion requirements

In this activity, we will identify key stakeholders of the hypothetical organization created in Lesson 1 and develop a plan for engaging them in the strategic planning process.

Step 1: Review Your Organizational Profile (10 minutes)

  • Begin by reviewing the organizational profile you created in Lesson 1. This will help you understand the context in which you'll identify stakeholders.
  • Focus on aspects like the organization's sector, size, and market position, as these can influence who your stakeholders are.

Step 2: Identify Key Stakeholders (20 minutes)

  • List the various groups and individuals who are interested in or affected by the organization's activities. These include employees, customers, suppliers, community members, investors, and government bodies.
  • Briefly describe the nature of their interest or stake in the organization.

Step 3: Analyze Stakeholder Characteristics (20 minutes)

  • For each identified stakeholder, note their potential influence on and importance to the organization.
  • Consider factors like their power to impact the organization, their level of interest in its activities, and the potential impact of the organization's strategic decisions on them.

Step 4: Develop a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (20 minutes)

  • For each key stakeholder or stakeholder group, develop a basic engagement strategy. This should outline how you will involve them in the strategic planning or keep them informed.
  • Consider communication methods, frequency of engagement, and the type of input or feedback you seek from them.

Step 5: Document Your Stakeholder Mapping and Engagement Plan (10 minutes)

  • Compile your stakeholder mapping and engagement strategies into a clear and concise document. This should be at most two pages.
  • Ensure your document is well-organized and easy to understand.

Step 6: Reflect on the Process (10 minutes)

  • Reflect on the stakeholder mapping and engagement planning process. Consider the challenges you faced and what you learned about the importance of considering different perspectives in strategic planning.

See an example

Submission Guidelines

  • Prepare your stakeholder mapping and engagement plan as a Word document or a PDF.
  • Submit your document using the option below.