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Capstone Assignment

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In this capstone assignment, we will integrate the components developed in Lessons 1 through 5 into a condensed strategic planning project.


Step 1: Consolidate Previous Work (20 minutes)

  • Briefly review and assemble the documents from each lesson:
    • Lesson 1: Organizational Profile.
    • Lesson 2: Stakeholder Mapping and Engagement Plan.
    • Lesson 3: SMART Goals and Action Plan.
    • Lesson 4: Execution Strategy.
    • Lesson 5: Accountability and Tracking Framework.
  • Ensure that these components are concise and coherent.

Step 2: Create a Condensed Strategic Plan (30 minutes)

  • Combine the elements into a streamlined strategic plan. Please focus on the essence of each component, ensuring they complement each other.
  • Structure the plan to include an overview, key goals, execution strategy, and accountability measures. Aim for a maximum of two pages.

Step 3: Prepare a Brief Summary (15 minutes)

  • Summarize your strategic plan, such as a one-page written summary or a short presentation (5-7 slides).
  • Highlight the main objectives, strategies, and how the plan will be implemented and monitored.

Step 4: Write a Short Reflective Analysis (15 minutes)

  • Reflect on the process in a brief analysis, focusing on:
    • The integration of different planning components.
    • Significant challenges and insights encountered.
    • How the activity enhanced your understanding of strategic planning.


Submit the streamlined strategic plan, brief summary, and reflective analysis using the option below.