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Capstone Assignment

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The purpose of this summative assessment is to gauge your understanding of the entire course. It will test your knowledge of the main topics discussed in each lesson.


Imagine that you have a friend in your context whom you suspect is being “demonized” but does not seem to realize it.  Using the lessons you have learned from this course, develop a plan for how you might help that individual find freedom in Christ.  One key point as you do this is to remember that Romans 8:1 (NIV) says “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”  So, a key to helping someone under attack is to do so without condemnation. 

The ministry of Wellsprings of Freedom International, which Rev. Brian Burke leads, uses the phrase “gentle authority” when dealing with someone who is demonized.  The idea is to use the authority of Christ, but always in a way that’s done with gentleness and love.  (Wellsprings of Freedom International also uses a team of trained people with various spiritual gifts when working with someone who is seeking freedom.)

With this in mind:

  • How could you tactfully and with great prayer and care, open your friend’s mind to the possibility that they are under spiritual attack and oppression?

  • What scriptures could you share with them to back up the ways which you believe they might be under spiritual attack?

  • Strategize on how to take harmful thoughts captive and repel the Enemy through prayer, with the help of the body of Christ.

  • Identify possible ways for the person to have ongoing support and accountability in any future battles.

  • If you do this exercise with a real person in view, consult someone you respect spiritually in your church before actually going to the person. 

  • Write up your insights and upload them to the course using the option below.