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Capstone Assessment

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Throughout this course, you have been assessing the role that you play as a marketplace minister in the workplace as well as the work that God is doing in your life through your work. We have seen God’s intention for work as part of human thriving and how the Fall has damaged all our relationships, frustrating our work. We have learned that God wants to redeem our work and use us as his ambassadors to others. We have talked about the difference between a job and a vocation and seen that God can sanctify both.

Now, taking all these pieces, create a personal mission statement for yourself as a marketplace minister. What do you see as your calling, your vocation? How does it relate to your job? What is the state of your four basic relationships in terms of your work? In what ways is God calling you to be a missionary to your workplace?

Write up your reflections and upload them to the course using the option below.  Reference the grading guide below to understand how this activity is assessed.