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Capstone Assessment

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This assessment is designed to synthesize your understanding of holistic self-care and create a personalized action plan for implementing these principles in your life, follow the steps below.


  1. Spiritual Foundation: In a paragraph, describe the role of spirituality in holistic self-care. Include one spiritual discipline you've found beneficial.
  2. Life Balance: List three key life domains (e.g., work, family, church) and describe in a sentence or two how you aim to maintain balance in each.
  3. Interconnectedness of Well-Being: In a paragraph, explain a moment when a change in one area of your well-being affected another (e.g., how exercise improved your mental health).
  4. Personalized Resilience Strategy: Write down one resilience-building activity you plan to integrate into your life. Include when and how often you'll practice this activity.
  5. Self-Care Practices: List two self-care activities you've tried during this course and note if/how each contributed to your well-being.
  6. Final Reflection: In a paragraph, summarize your key takeaways from the course and one change you'll implement for your holistic well-being moving forward.


Submit your completed action plan and reflection in a single document using the option below.