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Practice: Planning for Spiritual Growth

Completion requirements

Note: For this activity, you are only required to submit a plan for your spiritual journal, not the journal entries themselves. This is an invitation to deepen your relationship with God, but we want you to feel comfortable progressing in the course without waiting to complete the journal.

This isn't just an activity; it's an invitation to deepen your relationship with God, reflect on your emotions, and gain valuable insights into your spiritual life. As you navigate through your everyday routines, this journal will serve as a sanctuary, a place to pause and ponder.

Setting the Stage

  1. Choose Your Medium: First, decide where you'll be recording this sacred journey. It could be a beautiful leather-bound journal that's been sitting on your shelf, or a digital note-taking app that you always have at your fingertips. It could also be an audio or video journal. You choose.
  2. Timing is Everything: Consistency is key. Select a specific time each day to make your entry. Maybe it's right after your morning prayer, or perhaps it's the last thing you do before bed. The point is to make it a ritual.

Your Daily Quest

Each day, you'll be focusing on three aspects:

  1. The Discipline of the Day: Whether it's prayer, scripture reading, or meditation, jot down what spiritual discipline you practiced.
  2. Emotional Landscape: Describe how this spiritual practice made you feel. Did it bring peace to a chaotic day? Did it challenge you in ways you didn't expect?
  3. Treasures Unearthed: Any epiphanies or insights? This is the place to record those "Aha!" moments that can so often come during times of spiritual reflection.

The Final Chapter

As you close out your week, set aside some time to review your entries. Look for patterns or changes in your emotional and spiritual well-being. This final reflection is your opportunity to see how far you've come and what you've learned about yourself and your spiritual practice.


For this activity, you are only required to submit a plan outlining the following:

  • The spiritual discipline(s) you intend to practice
  • Your chosen medium for journaling
  • The specific time you plan to make your daily entries

Please use the submission option below to share your plan.