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Practice (Lesson 4)

Completion requirements

You may have grown up with a certain view of Jesus that you just assumed without really thinking much about it. For example, there’s a fair chance that you think of Jesus more as divine than as human. Given what you have learned in this Lesson, reflect on the following questions and then write up your responses. Feel free to talk about them with others as well, ranging from family to people at church to individuals who aren’t yet believers:


  1. Do you think that Jesus not only knew Aramaic but all human languages when he was born in Bethlehem? How do you think the learning process went for him as a child? Do you think he walked (or hovered?) immediately?
  2. How conscious do you think Jesus was of his divine identity? Do you think he knew he was the second person of the Trinity from the womb? Do you think he came to realize who he was gradually? How do you think it worked?
  3. Have you or someone you know ever erred on the other side, thinking that Jesus was just a good person or a great moral example? You might do some research on C. S. Lewis’ “Lord, Liar, or Lunatic” scenario. If Jesus claimed to be God, then either he was (Lord), or he wasn’t and knew it (Liar), or he wasn’t and didn’t know it (Lunatic).
  4. Do you think Jesus had a free choice in the Garden of Gethsemane? Could he have just walked away? Speculate on the interaction of his divine and human natures/wills on this question.

Submit your reflections below.