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Practice (Lesson 2)

Completion requirements

Here are some ways that you can solidify your learning from this Lesson. Choose one, and upload the evidence!

Option 1: Write

Keep a Reflective Journal on the creation for one week. For at least half of the week, reflect on the wonder of God’s creation. Read Psalm 19 or Psalm 104. Then go for a walk in nature to reflect on the glory of God reflected in what he has created. For the second half of the week, look for the image of God in others. Have you at any point treated other people as something less than someone created in the likeness of God? End the week in Sabbath.

Option 2: Create

Create something! If you are a creative individual, exercise the image of God in you by creating. It could be a drawing, a piece of music, a poem, or a short story. God created humanity with the capacity to design and invent just as God did.

Option 3: Investigate

Investigate Christian involvement in creation care, such as the work of Matthew Sleeth at Blessed Earth. Prayerfully consider becoming involved in the movement.