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Practice Activity: Drafting A Personal Financial Creed

Completion requirements

In this activity, we’ll examine your personal beliefs and intentions regarding money management, anchoring your reflections in biblical teachings. Developing a personal financial creed or statement sets a foundation for how you intend to approach financial stewardship. Be gracious with yourself on this first version. As you continue the lessons, revisit your creed to consider what you might change.


  1. Reflect on your beliefs and attitudes towards money. Consider how your current practices align with or diverge from biblical teachings on financial stewardship.
  2. Look up biblical verses that resonate with your beliefs about money or challenge you to think differently. You may want to revisit some of the verses discussed in the first lesson.
  3. Begin drafting your financial creed or statement. This concise yet comprehensive document should reflect your core beliefs and intentions regarding money management.
  4. Try to include at least three biblical references that support or inform your beliefs and intentions.
  5. Review your draft to reflect your beliefs and intentions accurately.


When you are ready, submit your creed using the option below.