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From Call to Church

Completion requirements

In this assignment, we want to explore the process of becoming a minister in The Wesleyan Church. First, look at the following chart that maps out the overall process of becoming a minister in The Wesleyan Church. Then look at the broader document called, “Guide to Exploring the Call.” 

In addition to the overall mentoring that accompanies the process, it includes an educational and a service component. For example, there is a “7-pack” of courses to achieve basic licensure (in the document). This course is one of them! Overall, there are 24 courses you would need to complete to be fully ordained, including a supervised ministry. Finally, you need to serve under appointment by a district for two years subsequent to completing your educational requirements (one if you have an MDIV from an approved seminary) before you can be finally ordained.

If you are taking this course, there is a fair chance that you are already in this process or are considering beginning down this path. Of course, you may simply be very interested in The Wesleyan Church!

For this assignment, imagine that you were starting toward ordination. Narrate a path you might take to reach the goal. If you are already in the process, you might recount how you have come to the point you are at. This assignment can help you with future planning, or it can be purely fictitious if you are not in the process.

Write up a narrative that would take you from the beginning to the end of the process. Include in your narrative “candidating” at a church and being voted on to come as the pastor of that church. Assume that this church is where you will do your two years of service.

Write up the narrative and submit it to the course. This assignment is worth 50 points (2 points for each question).