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Cultural Context

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Let’s start with this basic presupposition. If you think that the culture of the first century Greco-Roman world is anything like our contemporary 21st century world, you will always be wrong. Second, if you are not culturally sensitive and carefully examine the first century world, you will unknowingly fill in the gaps with what we know about our culture. Thus, it is vital to investigate the culture which stands behind the world of Mark’s gospel. Begin with a reread of the material on Cultural Context in True^North (pp 121-123). Next, there are many resources which will inform you about the culture of the 1st century. One fine resource is Dr. Craig Keener’s book entitled, IVP Bible Background Commentary.

Examine the material which is related to the paragraph you are Interpreting. 

Also, commentaries must deal with the cultural and historical issues at work within the text. So I might invite you to keep your eyes open as you read the material on your paragraph. Here is an introductory level commentary on Mark. 

Finally, if you have a study Bible, the notes related to your passage may be quite helpful. Read the relevant material in these resources and put together a 350 word post which will address this statement, “I now read the text of Mark more like a first century century person because of this evidence from my research …” Fill in the last statement with your findings. Submit this material.