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Reading & Disciple-making Material Development

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The True^North assignment has five components.

First, you will be developing materials (word doc, PowerPoint, handout, etc) to share on the topic presented in the preface of True^North, “Disciple-making is not an add-on.” Develop disciple-making materials which will assist you to persuade your “Disciple-in-the-making” of this truth. Elaborate beyond the brief paragraph with that heading in the True^North workbook (page 5). You will serve your Disciple-in-the-making well if you also develop some of the background concepts shared thus far in True^North. This will be your first foray into Disciple-making in the Word. Be persuaded yourself and then create materials to be persuasive to your disciple-in-the-making. The materials you create will be presented in the second part of the assignment, so develop them with your disciple-in-the-making in mind. What do you want to have them learn? Maybe the question can be asked this way, “How do you want them to be informed and transformed?”

Second, we will focus on Chapter 1 of True^North. There you will find 4 false assumptions regarding our engagement with the Scriptures. Pick 2 of them and prepare material to be able to persuade your Disciple-in-the-making of their importance. Wrestle with both the "what" of the argument (contents) but begin to pursue the underlying assumptions. This is the "why" this is important.

Third, from Chapter 2 of True^North, prepare materials to introduce your disciple-in-the-making to the difference between a “First Reading of Scripture” and a “Second Reading of Scripture.” This will become vital as we discuss the second half of this book (and the primary focus of this entire course). What is the difference between “reading” and “Reading-Understanding-Applying the word?”

Fourth, as a disciple-maker, can you articulate what it means to think like a local church pastor? Chapter 3 of True^North will help with this from a biblical perspective. Develop materials to inform your disciple-in-the-making who may have only been exposed to the work of a pastor from a distance. prepare carefully crafted material to inform and even help transform your disciple-in-the-making in these new truths.

Fifth, develop thoroughly the topic of "What is the nature of conversion in your local church" as discussed in Chapter 4. Simply, "what does it mean to move from outside the church to the inside? How does one become "fully in" as a participant in your church? What programs need to be completed? What prayers need to be prayed? What does someone need to do or believe to be fully “in"? I am hinting at the issues, "Have we separated the idea of conversion from Disciple-making?" If so, what are the implications for individuals?

When you have completed your materials, please share them with your instructor using the Add submission button below.