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Saving the Bible from Ourselves

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This recent book by Glenn Paauw will provide you with some insights into the form of the Bible that often sits before us as we do Bible Study. For example, it's the text of the books that is considered both sacred and inspired. But when we open a modern study Bible, more than half of the material on a printed page is not the words of the inspired authors. One might actually conclude it could serve as a distraction from the biblical text itself. 

In this assignment I am asking you to read the preface, Introduction, and Chapters 1-2. Using material from these chapters, please put together ponderings to cover these three questions:

  1. What new topics or concepts were introduced that you have not considered to date? It would be highly appropriate to think through this follow-up question, “If this is true, what are the implications to me personally or to the church as a whole?
  2. What questions would you like to ask Dr. Paauw if he was sitting in front of you? What clarity might you like to have?
  3. What new teaching from this resource do you see as valuable to teach your Disciple-in-the-making? What knowledge have you gained that is worth passing on as wise advice? Maybe ask it this way, “What do you wish you had known earlier in your Christian walk that might have changed the way you approach the study of the Word for yourself?

Please employ these three (3) questions for the Introduction and Chapters 1-2. There should be around one (1) page typed per chapter. In an outlined form that would come to around 150-200 words per chapter. 

Here is the link for Paauw’s material: Saving the Bible from Ourselves

My rubric for grading will be as follows: 

  1. Have you clearly identified the author’s agenda and evidence for his conclusions?
  2. Have you shaped your questions well? Meaning, have you moved past a cut-and-paste of the author’s words and demonstrated that you have taken ownership of the ideas in your own words?
  3. Have you developed “disciple-making” materials for your future work? Meaning, “What have you learned that you cannot wait to pass on?

When you have completed your materials, please share them with your instructor using the “Add submission” button below.