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Ideal Humanity

Completion requirements

One of the concepts of this module is that Jesus is the ideal human. Dr. Bounds applies this concept to sin in our lives. He argues that to be human is not to sin. Rather, to sin is to be less than human. It is to be less than God intended us to be.

Bounds thus argues that Jesus way of being and living in the world is not that of some unhuman or superhuman figure. Rather, in his human life Jesus set an example for us to follow (1 Cor. 11:1). Asking “What would Jesus do?” is a serious question whose answer should guide our steps. Christians believe we can only do this through the power of the Holy Spirit, but Dr. Bounds would say that God wants us to be far more successful at living a life like Jesus than we might think is possible.

In 450-600 words, respond to these claims from Dr. Bounds. First, what would a life modeled on Jesus look like? Remember, he was fully human. Be careful not to picture a humanity of Jesus that is inhuman. Second, how attainable do you think such a life is through the power of the Holy Spirit?

Upload your thoughts to the platform. This assignment is worth 30 points.